Wednesday 15 March 2017

How To Be A Headhunter: Develop A Hunting Mentality!

If you want to be an Executive Recruiter it helps to cultivate a hunting attitude. This means embracing the responsibility of tracking down the candidate your client wants and recruiting them. Recruiting is about process not personality. The best recruiters are focused. Time is precious and information is our currency. To be a headhunter begins with equipping yourself with the knowledge of how to hunt.

Recruiter training will cover the recruitment process. Practice will sharpen the senses and teach a recruiter to focus. Everyday can be successful if a recruiter does one of two things: Either find a qualified candidate for a current search and arrange an interview with a client, or obtain a new search. When recruiters allow themselves to be distracted by any task that does not lead to a send out or a new search those production hours are lost forever.

True headhunters follow a trail of phone calls and referrals to find the most qualified candidate. The most available candidate is not usually the best choice. Establish rapport quickly by using a friendly and authoritative tone. Ask intelligent questions. Prepare carefully. Everyone knows a good headhunter can change the course of one’s career. Recruiters have a great deal to offer so never give out information unless you’ve already received some valuable information and want to strengthen the relationship that’s unfolding.

Recruiter’s develop multiple skill sets while improving their closing ratio. Activity is the best teacher once one has mastered the basic principles. Headhunters are good interviewers. They quickly analyze skill sets, experience, and a candidate’s motivation to make a change. Recruiters gauge maturity, and one’s ability to fit into the client’s organization. They tactfully disengage when a candidate does not meet the parameters of a search.

Because there are multiple steps in the recruitment process, a search can have a short (one week) or long (six – nine months) placement cycle. Smart headhunters fill their pipeline with a dozen searches. Continuously sending qualified candidates out on interviews guarantees successful placements and a high income. When recruiters concentrate on only one or two search assignments, the stress level rises if one deal falls apart and the other is delayed.

Headhunters hunt. They are not robots. Every phone call has a purpose and there are strategies for executing those calls to achieve specific goals during the placement process. Every recruiter learns to follow the process yet they’re prepared to improvise. Candidates don’t know the placement plan. Candidates continually surprise unprepared and even seasoned recruiters.

Common sense and intuition are two of the best tools headhunters use. Headhunters work with a sense of urgency. They tiptoe through the corporate jungle scouting for choice talent. If they’re not successful they don’t eat or more accurately, they don’t get paid. Recruiters who are hungry to make placements succeed quickly and their trophies are scattered throughout the world.

Source by Kimberly Schenk

The post How To Be A Headhunter: Develop A Hunting Mentality! appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.


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