Tuesday 21 March 2017

Two Factors that Influence You

What 2 factors directly influence your level of thinking, your choices, and action?

1. The 5 people you spend the most time with.

2. The books you read.

This fascinates me!

Do a quick mental review of who you spend the majority of your time with. Are they positive? Negative? Ambitious? Full of good humor?

Let’s face it, it’s easy for us to be influenced by our peers, friends, and families.

In fact, a recent research study on weight loss indicates exactly this point. Have you ever asked, “Are my friends making me fat?” The research revealed that yes, who we spend the most time with does directly influence our choices, our behaviors. This could be a good thing, or maybe not. It depends on what your own personal goals are! Yes, indeed, “birds of a feather do flock together!”

Equally interesting to consider – what we read affects/influences the nature of our own thoughts, ideas, and behaviors. Here are a few of my favorite stimulating, thought- provoking, mind expanding books that I’ve read this summer:

Eat, Pray, Love – A true story of a woman shattered by her divorce. Depressed and without direction, she takes off a year to travel to Italy, India, and Indonesia documenting her experience as she re- discovers and re-fashions a brand new life for herself. The book is especially inspirational for those who are at a crossroads in their own life.

Matrix Energetics – I’m absolutely fascinated with this book written by Dr. Bartlett who comes from Seattle and now offers workshops across the country teaching real-life “applications” of quantum physics theory. I’ve heard from colleagues that these workshops literally transform and elevate your thinking and your capacity about what is possible. I’ll be attending the NYC workshop in October this year. Law of Attraction – I recently heard Oprah interview Michael Losier on XMRadio. He calls himself the “Law of Attraction How-to-Guy”. His interview was excellent and prompted me to buy and read his book. I recommend several of the exercises that I have been using with my clients to stay focused and positive about their goals and dreams.

The Secret Behind the Secret by Abraham Hicks – Abraham Hicks has been teaching the L.O.A for over 20 years and traveling all over the country conducting workshops. Abraham Hicks was also in the original version of the movie, The Secret, and was recently interviewed by Oprah on XMRadio as well. Excellent!

E-Myth – I re-read this important book on entrepreneurism which talks about how small businesses self-detonate by failing to grasp the basic concept that you must work ON your business, not IN your business. I guarantee this book will change the way you do business and change it for the better!

One Thousand Splendid Suns – This book, which is fictional and historically correct, is not an “easy” read, in that it exposes the harsh realities of women of Afghanistan. This book helps to bridge the gap of understanding cultural differences.

Be clear.

Be proactive.

Choose people and the books that can help to support you to achieve your GOALS and DREAMS. Who you “hang out with” and what you read DOES make a difference in your work and your life.

Carpe Diem!

Source by Diana Long

The post Two Factors that Influence You appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.

source http://blog.bigfinancial.co.uk/two-factors-that-influence-you/

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