Monday 20 March 2017

The Importance of Good English-Speaking Skills in Call Centers

Poor English-speaking skills result into dissatisfied, frustrated customers. They call, believing you to be the expert of their concern and expecting that you would be able to address or answer any queries they might have but what they got instead was a conversation that they can barely understand, let alone do the instructions that you are telling them to do, if there are any.

The result then would be apart from disgruntled customers, you get points off from your score card or worse, you would actually be called to explain why and what happened during such call by your immediate superior and receive a written warning if this happens to be the first offense. Either way, you have made a bad impression on both your supervisor and client.

So to prevent this from happening or if already happening, here are some tips:

1. Have your Training Department inculcate software on learning the English language as part of the whole training process. This software has an array of selection that focuses on different skills of the English language whether on conversation, listening, reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.

2. Hire ESL instructors to collaborate with your training department in coming up with a program or module that the agents/ trainees will follow in learning and improving their English-speaking skills.

3. Have your Training and HR Department collaborate to hold a day of fun-filled competition that involve the usage of English language like a good game of Scrabble, Bugle, Pass the Message or Finish my Sentence. Of course, simple prizes will be given out to make the whole activity memorable and make the agents feel that their efforts are indeed appreciated.

4. Promote reading and encourage self-learning or practice by having books on common English phrases and idioms.

Apart from the tips above though, remember that communication is a two-way process. This follows that to establish good communication, an agent must, first of all, be a good listener and know ways on getting a client to provide the information they need to be able to address concerns or offer solutions to the problem.

At the end of every shift, the goal should always be to enable good communication because this translates to quality customer service, which in turn results to having happy, satisfied clients.

Source by Hazel Rabor

The post The Importance of Good English-Speaking Skills in Call Centers appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.


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