Wednesday 15 March 2017

Functions of Auctioneers

When someone mentions auctioneer, we immediately form an image of a male with a loud voice who can convince you to buy almost anything in the world. An auctioneer’s job, as seen in the movies, is very fun and interesting. Well, the truth is that an auctioneer’s work is not at all easy and fun. Bid-calling may be the most “fun” and memorable part of an auctioneer’s job, but it does not form the bulk of the work that auctioneers do. Indeed they spend great amount of time building contacts and relationships with their clients, analyzing the market and the items that will go on auction and come out with best possible ways that would ensure that the auctions receive good publicity and turnout. If you are the kind of person who loves challenges and do not want a boring 9-5 job, then this job is for you.

To be an auctioneer may not be all that simple. You must have a great understanding of the market, the products being sold, the law that may affect the sale of certain items and most importantly be able to publicize and convince the target group that he wishes to sell the products to. Despite all these tasks, the basic goal of an auctioneer is to be able to make as much money as possible for his client. He must know the minimum value of a product in the market, the kind of people who would buy that product, and the right authorities that should be involved in a sale. For example, when selling a property, the auctioneer must have the relevant documents and a lawyer to do the transfer of the property after the sale.

To become a good auctioneer, a person needs a lot of energy focus. If you have ever been to an auction, you would notice that some auctioneers are able to catch the attention of their audience very easily whereas some are just simply boring which causes the audience to lose interest. The combination of a good sales person and an entertainer makes a very good auctioneer. As some sales last for hours, a great sense of humor can help the auctioneer put the crowd at ease and focused instead of being bored. How an auctioneer hold the audience’s attention will determine the turnout of future sales, therefore the personality of the auctioneer plays a great role.

To be experts at what they do, most auctioneers choose to focus on a specific field such as real estate or jewelry. Focusing on specific types of auctions allows the auctioneers to build regular followers who would attend their auctions as well as good relations with clients within that field. It also gives the auctioneer greater understanding of laws, regulations and other issues that might concern that specific field.

Source by Amrit Pal

The post Functions of Auctioneers appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.


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