Thursday 23 February 2017

Secrets of a Gold Buying Millionaire

Buying scrap gold is fast catching up as a very lucrative business. People are more willing to sell their gold to a gold buyer than to a pawn shop or jeweler. I am a gold buying expert and I am in this field for many years. And I have only seen the number of gold buyers and sellers increase in tremendous amounts each year! Pawn shops and jewelers only give 50-60% whereas a gold buyer can give 70% which is very beneficial to the customer. If you see, the value of gold has only been increasing but never decreasing. And now gold is at an all time high and this is an opportunity to buy gold and invest it in various ways. The value of gold only increases with time.

Becoming a scrap gold buyer is not very difficult if you are thinking so. It doesn’t need any training or educational qualifications. You just need to invest some time and some common sense. And trust me that in no time you will become an expert in this field. You can make millions in a very small period of time considering that the Americans are selling as much as $50,000 of gold each week. If you follow some good tips and instructions you might make very good money in a short period. Please visit: for guidance to make your business profitable. However let me tell you some of the simple ways and methods of a gold buying millionaire.

Choosing the right refinery to sell your scrap gold is very important. It is a very good idea to consider a local refinery. If your refinery is far away you might have to send you gold through mail and you also need to undergo insurance work. But before selecting your refinery, make sure you visit their office and check their resources out. The refinery cost is usually not more than 5%.

Stone tweezers are helpful when your customer only wants to part with her gold but not the stones in the ornaments. In all these years I have seen many gold buyers just losing their customers just because they do not have equipment to remove stones and other precious gems from the jewelry.

Advertising your business and making people aware of your job is very important. You can place your ads in Craigslist, which I did when I started the business and it worked wonders! Make sure you have as many gold parties as possible. Most gold buyers make huge profits in gold parties. An average customer has about $300 of gold and even if you pay 65% you will make $100 before paying the refinery. And considering a party of 10, you can easily earn up to$1000 in just a few hours!

Always keep track of the market conditions and other details about gold. The value of gold keeps changing everyday and you need to be updated properly. Proper knowledge and information will save you a lot of money.

Source by Matt Wallace

The post Secrets of a Gold Buying Millionaire appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.


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