Monday 23 January 2017

A Forex System That Actually Works – The Forex VIP Program

95% of forex traders lose their money. Blah Blah blah. I’m sure you’ve heard that one before. There are many, many systems available online today. A few work, most don’t. From my experience & research, the Forex VIP Program is the best value and the real deal for teaching you to trade in the forex market. It does this with flexibility to time while being affordable and easy to learn. You get mentoring that help you get significant results.

This system is pretty flexible as far as time is concerned. It is made to trade in one of two sessions: midnight to noon and noon to midnight. Also the midterm system gives you more freedom as you don’t have to stay in front of the monitor 4-5 hours a day. This combination allows anyone to benefit, once it is mastered, regardless on the time schedule.

Many systems charge you well over $1000. This system and mentoring for 3 months is just $197. I think thats pretty reasonable to obtain knowledge that will help you make a whole hell of a lot more. Over 3 months that you would be using a demo account to train, thats only like $2 a day. I spend more than that a day in snacks.

This system is pretty easy to learn. Now you need to have some technical analysis knowledge to understand. It takes about a week of studying before you get a grasp of it. Also, you become part of a special yahoo group in which you get even more information. You can review past questions that students before you had and benefit from the answers.

One of the most beneficial aspects of the system is the mentoring. Whenever you have a question about the system or the trading period, you can email and ask trader Jon Levine. Jon developed the system and trades it daily. He shows you through pics that capture the charts along with notes on how it should have been traded. He normally responds within 24 hours.

The results of this system can be great. Slow and surely is the way. Your goal is to make 20 pips a day or 100 pips a week. If you can accomplish this, after about 8 months you will be making around $10,000 a week. Pretty sweet, huh? Now netting 20 pips day is not easy, however with practice you can realistically get there.

But let’s see what other Forex VIP Program members have to say, according to a forex review site:

“…at the moment, I am averaging around 40-50 pips a day on a demo account. Now I don’t want you to think thats how much a person can except to gain a day from the system. This is exceptional result. And it takes a deeper understanding of Jon course to achieve this result. but it show you the potential that Jon course has. on a good day I could take in a hundred pips “- H.R, Brunei

“Jon’s training requires some study, the material he provides is really professional and quiet easy to understand. Daily availability for any kind of questions is another great plus for Jon. His system is really getting to the point without any diversion. As a matter of fact, just studying the training material has shed a lot of light into my trading mistakes. To my opinion, this course is MORE than worth the money, and I just can recommend it.”- Guenter Becking, Germany

“This course is unlike anything else that most traders have taken before. It is taught by a trader that trades what he teaches. Jon has trading system that is best day trading system that is publicly available. Consistency is what every trader strives for. Jon’s systems are the most consistently systems that I have ever seen. One can easily and consistently take 20 to 50 pips out of the market on a daily basis. Jon teaches a system with a set of rules. In his daily e-mails he stresses following the rules of the system until these rules become second nature. The setup that the system is basis upon occurs several times per session, and with the money management system that teaches, you manage the trade while keeping your losses small. I would highly recommend Jon’s mentoring program. He will answer any of your questions. Just imagine, you can ask a pro trader any question about haw he trades! That alone is worth the cost of the course. “- D.Melton, USA

There you have it. The Forex VIP Program is an excellent choice for novice, immediate, and expert traders. I encourage you to give this program a try in order to really succeed in the forex market. I am personally using it on a demo account and can see some real potential in building an income stream from this system and my learning.

Source by J. Carl Williams III

The post A Forex System That Actually Works – The Forex VIP Program appeared first on Big Financial BLOG.


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